-sliding door garage/storage
-car wash
-elevator lift
-3 marked parking spots
-ramp down with a parking attendant/gate
-gas pump (shoe string) *this is the feature that I did not know was included and is a HUGE hit with the toddler*
-3 cars with holes for the gas pump
- no assembly or batteries required
- great durability, made from thick wood
- ease of use for all features is appropriate for around 2 year olds+ (my toddler is able to manipulate all features independently)
- superb fine motor opportunities
- GREAT INDEPENDENT PLAY- my toddler will play with this for 20+ minutes at a time
- opportunities for creativity and imagination-y toddler has found unique ways to play with this each day.
I am a huge fan of melissa and Doug toys for both my children and the kids I see in speech therapy. There are always so many little features to promote language, speech and cognition development. This one has opportunities to count, label colors, talk about opposites (up/down, open/close, un/availability)
Also, I bought the car hauler from Melissa and Doug to accompany this gift and it is the perfect height to unload the top layer onto the top of this garage toy. (I paid full price for both of these toys, this is completely unsponsored, just a fun little tidbit of information)