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ToggleAre “Made in China” Toys Safe? | Who is to Blame for Toxic Toys?
As we rapidly move into the 2020s and beyond, one topic seems to come up repeatedly in the toy industry. Are “Made in China” Toys Safe? We read articles occasionally about the shocking behavior of toy manufacturers, toy products, toy recalls, and working conditions. Have we made progress in the last twenty years in toy manufacturing? Are Chinese-made toys improving or just flooding the market into Amazon with the wool pulled over our eyes to the reality?
In this article, I will discuss: 1) Why should you avoid Chinese-made toys? 2) What is Alibaba’s and Amazon’s role in Chinese-made toys? 3) How to recognize Chinese-made toys on Amazon? 4) What did I find when reviewing three Amazon best-selling Chinese-made toys? 5) What are several sustainable swaps you should highly consider?
“Being an advocate for sustainable toys, I cringe when I look at the toys being sold and the consumer behavior on Amazon.”
I get sick to my stomach! I found myself so compelled to write an article after reviewing some of the bestselling toys for babies on Amazon. These toys are nasty! When I say bad, “I mean immediately discard them and look for an alternative!” Cut your losses and run! If they are recyclable, recycle them if possible. Not only are these toys not safe or sustainable. The companies are not sustainable, and the toys and toy manufacturers are dangerous to our children.
“As parents, we try always to make the right choice for our babies and children. We want our children to have the very best in life. Many of us spend hours of research to find the right product for our little ones. So I ask why parents are purchasing these items on Amazon. I am honestly not sure. Is it cost, marketing, or trusting a bestseller???”
Consumer behavior drives manufacturing. If enough people stop buying the below toys, manufacturers will focus on what people are buying. Is anyone pointing the finger at Amazon? We all know Amazon provides a “mostly” competitive marketplace where small business to large businesses can sell their products. No one is quite sure how Amazon’s search algorithm works or how they rank their bestsellers.
Could Amazon scrutinize manufacturers and require more transparency? What standards are even in place? With hundreds of millions of toys being transported into the United States from China daily, what absolute toy standards are there? What weight do certifications hold when approximately 1 out of 1,000,000 toys are being tested and manufacturers know what toy to send to be tested? How do we know if “Made in China” toys are safe?
A recent study in India showed nearly 67% of imported toys have failed the testing survey of the Quality Council of India (QCI) coming from China.
According to the QCI report, as many as 30% of plastic toys failed to meet the safety standards of admissible levels of phthalate, heavy metals, etc., and 80% of plastic toys failed on mechanical and physical safety properties. I imagine the toy standards in India are similar to those in the United States. As outlined below, even the largest American toy manufacturers have been caught utilizing unsavory conditions and having toy products with harsh chemicals, including lead.
Who is to blame?
Are the consumers purchasing the products and turning a blind eye to the process? Or is it the toy corporations putting immense pressure on the manufacturers to produce “X” amount of toys for “X” amount of dollars? Or is the Chinese manufacturers putting the bottom line in front of their communities and the environment? Ultimately, whoever is to blame, the communities, the environment, and our children bear the brunt of this toxic recipe. Now let me tell you why you should avoid “Made in China” toys.
1) Why should you avoid Chinese-made toys?
Non-Transparent and Non-Sustainable Manufacturing –
Today, three-quarters of all toys and games are made by China’s 10,000 toy manufacturers.
Millions of Chinese-made toys were recalled in 2007 due to fears, including loose magnets and high lead levels in paint. The EU has a rapid alert system for dangerous products – and recent figures showed that 48% of alerts involve products made in China, of which 25% are toys.
One major US toy firm at the center of some of the significant recalls was forced to recall around 20 million toys globally. A very informative study was done in the UK: Mattel Toy Recall, 2007. Let me summarize:
In November of 2006, Mattel recalled Polly Pocket sets sold with magnets that posed a threat to children. In July 2007, a European retailer discovered high levels of lead content on various Mattel toys. Once notified, Mattel began investigating and closed operations at the toys factories. During the investigation, Mattel discovered millions of products available since 2003 that did not pass safety standards.
On August 1, 2007, Fisher-Price recalled 1.5 million toys due to high levels of lead-based paint – 60% of which were all manufactured in China. After further investigation, Mattel recalled 18 million more products on August 14, 2007, because of the possible hazards of children swallowing faulty magnets. And on September 4, 2007, Mattel recalled another 848,000 toys due to high levels of lead-based paint.
“Mattel “discovered” millions of products available since 2003 did not pass safety standards. Isn’t that assuring!”
Mattel prematurely placed disproportionate blame on Chinese manufacturers encouraging China-bashing in the media across the world, damaging China’s reputation.
On September 20, 2007, Mattel apologized to China in a meeting with Li Changjiang, the Chinese product safety chief. In the apology, Debrowski states “Mattel takes full responsibility for these recalls and apologizes personally to you, the Chinese people, and all of our customers who received the toys.” China accepted the apology saying, “Mattel should value our cooperation. I hope that Mattel can learn lessons and gain experience from these incidents, [and they should] improve their control measures” and anticipates that China will restore consumer confidence in products “made in China.”
Who’s fault. Lots of finger-pointing doesn’t solve the problem. After some pressure from China, Mattel rightfully took some responsibility for its lack of oversight of the manufacturing process. So what happens when there is no American corporation to take responsibility for?
Environmental Impact
The environmental impact of plastic toys is about as significant as every other industry that utilizes petroleum products as its main source of revenue. According to The World Counts, that significant environmental impact can be quantified by the 40 tons of plastic the toy industry uses for every $1 million in revenue.
An astonishing 90 percent of toys sold in today’s market are made from plastic, as per The World Counts — and that doesn’t even account for the billions of toy soldiers, Barbie dolls, and Lego bricks sitting in people’s attics at the moment. All of that plastic has to go somewhere when it’s no longer helpful, and there aren’t that many vintage toy collectors out there.
Most forms of plastic are not biodegradable, so instead of turning to dust as many things do, it sits, dirty and durable as ever, piling up and polluting countless ecosystems across the planet. The few types of plastic that break down end up reverting into toxic petrochemicals or transforming into ones that are different but no less dangerous.
According to Ecology Center, plastic manufacturing releases toxic emissions into the atmosphere. Those emissions include nickel, trichloroethane, acetone, styrene, toluene, benzene, ethylbenzene, ethylene oxide, methylene chloride, methyl ethyl, and more.
Effect on the Chinese Communities and their factory workers
“There is a price for everything, and someone always pays that price,” Christina
It is never a win/win when a price is too reasonable to be true. If the product is “cheaper” or “a better value,” that price is passed on to the toy corporation or the toy manufacturer, which is ultimately passed on to the environment, the product integrity and/or material, or as below, the factory workers. These factory workers are paying that difference!
An eye-opening article was written on “The grim truth of Chinese factories producing the West’s Christmas toys,” demonstrating common practices in toy manufacturing.

“Xiao (pictured above) is one of the thousands of workers in Chinese factories making some of this year’s must-have Christmas toys.”Xiao Fang thinks she’s one of the luckier workers making Barbie dolls for the Christmas market at the Mattel toy factory in Chang’an.” She says she works 11-hour days, six days a week, shares a dormitory with nine other women, and sees her husband once weekly. She had to leave her three-year-old daughter back home in Sichuan. And there is only a communal bathroom, and if they want hot water, they must fetch it from another floor. But at least she has a job, she says. And others have it worse.”
We can’t tolerate children’s dreams being based on workers’ nightmares, and we must fight against the unfair oppression of workers who manufacture toys.”
Why have the rights and interests of Chinese workers not improved?
Price pressure by multinational companies
International brand companies are not accepting responsibility for the rights abuses in their supply chain. Brand companies play an active role in the exploitation of workers. To meet their targets, they contribute actively by using short-term contracts with fierce price competition and changing orders very short-termly. Every year, many companies request toy factories to increase their production quotas while decreasing production costs. For example, in one year, the production costs for 100 Hasbro and Mattel toys would be $100. However, to produce the same toy the following year, Hasbro and Mattel required the factory to make 105 or more toys for $100.
For the same product, the brand companies will find two or three toy factories to compete in acquiring orders, and the factory with the lowest production cost will receive the most orders. Under these circumstances, if factories cannot decrease the cost of the materials used in the manufacturing process, they will have no choice but to place the burden of lowering production costs on Chinese workers’ backs.
“At the Wah Tung factory, a worker producing Disney’s Princess Sing and Sparkle Ariel Doll has a production quota of around 1,800 – 2,500 toys a day, works 26 days a month, and earns approximately 3000 RMB (435.43$ USD) a month.”
For each doll they produce, the worker receives USD 0.01. Disney’s Sing and Sparkle Ariel doll retails at $34.99 on Amazon. A worker at Wah Tung only earns 0.031% of the market value of the toy they produce. Several workers in the manufacturing and packaging departments are working on Disney’s Princess Sing and Sparkle Ariel Doll. Accordingly, around 75 cents from each doll’s retail price goes towards workers’ wages.

2. What is Alibaba’s and Amazon’s role in Chinese-made toys, and how to recognize Chinese-made toys on Amason?
What are Alibaba and Aliexpress?
Alibaba Group Holding Limited, also known as Alibaba Group and, is a Chinese multinational technology company specializing in e-commerce, retail, Internet, and technology. Think of an Amazon of Chinese manufacturers. You can find almost any product worldwide and buy any quantity you want for reselling on Amazon.
AliExpressis an online retail service based in China and owned by the Alibaba Group. Launched in 2010, it comprises small businesses in China and other locations, such as Singapore, that offer products to international online buyers. It facilitates small businesses to sell to customers all over the world. AliExpress has drawn a comparison to eBay, as sellers are independent and use the platform to offer products to buyers.
How do Chinese-made toys get on Amazon?
Being a startup e-commerce business, I had to learn and understand this process and avoid all costs. The more I learned, the more disheartening it was.
- Step 1 – Find a product on or
- Step 2 – Place an order of products from Alibaba or You can request variation changes to products at an added cost but it requires dialogue, products sent back and forth, and too much time for an Amazon seller. Like anything, the more you buy, the cheaper each product is.
- Step 3 – Ship products directly to the Amazon warehouse (Fulfilled by Amazon – FBA).
- Amazon stores all the products and ships them for a fee. Many resellers on Amazon have never seen the actual product they are selling.
- Step 4 – List products on Amazon for sale. (Assuming you open an Amazon Store, which is a low bar.)
- Step 5 – Customer orders product. Amazon and Amazon sellers get paid.
- Step 6 – Reviews – Many of these companies have sophisticated ways of having reviews made to make the product look popular. 1000s of reviews showing 5 stars. Or they ship free products to 100s of people and pay for them to review the product. Amazon says they police this, but we know that’s not possible.
There are millions of products on Amazon using this model.
In most cases, Amazon has allowed China manufacturers to sell directly on Amazon and ship their products to be fulfilled by Amazon. There is no oversight. There is no product testing. No one is taking responsibility for the final product. Many times, the retailer has never even seen the product. Or, as I said, the retailer is the manufacturing plant. There is zero customer service and little recourse for harmful or damaged products other than returning them.
If you go to and type “inflatable tummy time water mat” – you will see the same mat below listed over 100 times. The same mat with even the same baby pictures being sold by 100 different manufacturing plants. They sell for $2.00 apiece. When I first realized this, I was utterly shocked. I found an “eco-friendly” company with a “nice story” on Amazon. I found their “diaper bag,” which looked lovely.
They talked about how they designed it using the utmost care and precision. I found the same bag on 100s times and realized the company was misrepresenting everything on its website. They were selling 1000s of products. It was sad and frustrating but inspired me to bring awareness to the outstanding companies that choose to put their children and the environment in front of the bottom line.
How do you identify a Chinese-made Product on Amazon?
Read the product descriptions. Poorly worded or incorrect English is a dead giveaway. I demonstrated this in several products below. Always click on the “Sold by” Seller name under Buy now. It’s on the right-hand side of Amazon listings. It takes you directly to their business information. It’s either a Chinese Company and address or not.
Is there a near-exact duplicate product selling on Amazon under a different company name? Can you go to or and search the same title to find 100s of manufacturers selling the same toy?
The story’s moral is to buy from trusted companies, especially when it comes to our little ones! We can support our local businesses, support businesses with our common values, and support companies that value their communities and the environment. You are taking a massive risk if you purchase a “Made in China” toy from a random manufacturer.
3) What did I find when reviewing three Amazon best-selling Chinese-made toys?
I will show why you should avoid the Chinese-made toys below and their toy manufacturers. We live in a society with information and research at our fingertips. I will show the product title, image, and description. I will then add my commentary on the description, the product, and the manufacturer. First, I want to explain what a sustainable toy is. I wrote a detailed article explaining this, but here is my definition: A Sustainable toy is made of biodegradable natural materials such as renewable wood, cotton, bamboo, or wool. A sustainable toy has been manufactured in a nonpolluting way. A way without releasing carbon, greenhouse gases, or chemical toxins. These can be released into the waterways and the environment.
What makes a Toy Sustainable? Sometimes defining something can be tricky. Moreover, I decided to develop a review matrix to review toys effectively. The “Baby Penguin Meter” rates a toy in 5 categories. Sustainability, Playability, Durability, Longevity, and Versatility. Each category has three subcategories. To see an example of my in-depth toy reviews, check it out HERE. If I were to review these products below on my Baby Penguin Meter, they would all score a ZERO. These “Made in China” toys are not safe. Now let’s find out why!
Product #1: “Infinno Inflatable Tummy Time Mat Premium Baby Water Play Mat for Infants and Toddlers Baby Toys for 3 to 24 Months, Strengthen Your Baby’s Muscles, Portable“
Amazon Description:
“Promote your baby’s sensory development: The soft, comfortable baby tummy time water mat is the perfect sensory toy for developing solid head, neck, and shoulder muscles and refining the hand-eye coordination, fine motor and social skills. The bright, colourful sea animals and eye-catching illustrations will keep your baby playing for hours.
Superior quality and 100% leak-proof: Our baby water mats are made from durable, 100% BPA-free and non-toxic, heavy PVC materials. Each of our game mats has been rigorously tested. It is durable and waterproof, so it doesn’t wet your baby’s body. Easy to use: Just fill water into the middle of the water mat and inflate the edge of the tummy time water mat with air.
Easy to store and carry around: When the water and the air have been let out, fold it flat and it will fit into a backpack. Perfect gift for babies: It has an ideal 26 x 20 inch size that is suitable for all baby girls or boys older than 3 months.”
- Estimated Products Sold each month 29,500 and revenue of $440,000. (Based on Helium 10 data.)
- #2 ranked in “inflatable tummy time”
- Amazon Price: $14.99
- 4.3 out of 5 with 7,485 global ratings
Christina’s thoughts:
Let’s look at the description:
The phrase “perfect sensory toy” in about the item is ridiculous. Sensory toys stimulate a child’s five senses: sight, sound, touch, smell, and taste. They might include bright, contrasting colors, sounds, or different textures. These toys are meant to help children develop their senses in a safe and natural environment using play. It has bright colors. The mat makes no sound and feels like plastic. It smells like plastic and tastes like plastic.
A complete fail when it comes to sensory!“Refining the hand-eye coordination, fine motor and social skills” – There is nothing to grab. Nothing dangles. No objects to swipe at. Nothing to reach for but pictures under plastic. Nothing to transfer between hands, and nothing to bang onto. Making eye contact, talking to your baby, playing with them, and showing interest in them are all brilliant ways to encourage social development. Again, complete failure.
Let’s look at the product itself:
Sold on Alibaba for around $2.00 (Link Here)
Superior quality and 100% leak-proof – Over 20 Reviews of water leaking! Water leaks from plastic when your little one is mouthing all over the plastic. No thanks!
It is durable and waterproof, so it doesn’t wet your baby’s body. Again, not waterproof from the reviews.
100% BPA-free and non-toxic, heavy PVC materials – PVC is unsafe for infants, babies, and children. It has been proven over and over again to be toxic for children. They can dress this up any way they want.
- Flame Retardants: Some play and nap mats are made with synthetic foams and often are treated with flame retardants. Kids ingest roughly 10 times more PBDEs than adults from hand-to-mouth contact and can present health risks and exposure to carcinogenic compounds affecting fertility and causing other health problems.
- PVC or Vinyl: PVC is made using a toxic cocktail of materials that could put your little ones at risk from exposure to lead, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and hormone-disrupting chemicals like phthalates. This would be my #1 material to avoid with kids and babies.
- PVC is not considered eco-friendly. It is made by a chemical reaction between chlorine, carbon, and ethylene, and because it causes the release of other harmful chemicals, it does a lot of harm to the environment.
“Their last picture includes BPA FREE, Non-Toxic, and Lead-Free. Sadly, anyone can throw a “stamp” on a label. The fact that it’s PVC says enough to know it’s toxic.”
A recent review question: It has a strong chemical smell? Similarly, all mats have that problem.
- Answer: Our water mat doesn’t have any chemical smell now! We are using safe, upgraded technology to eliminate the chemical smell of the water mat. We spent a year solving the chemical smell problem and it has been solved successfully!
- My Answer: What is safe upgraded technology??? Why did it take a year to figure out how to eliminate the smell? Because it’s TOXIC!
Let’s look at the manufacturer:
Infinno –
Google search reveals NOTHING other than this product at Amazon and Walmart.
If you click on Infinno Direct on Amazon, it takes you to their seller information:
- Business Name: Shenzhenshi Zhishangmingyang Keji Youxiangongsi
- Business Address: Minzhijiedao Baishilongyiqu 122dong 1001hao, Longhuaxinqu/Shenzhenshi, Guangdong, 518000 CN
- When you click on the warranty on their page its says, “Please get in touch with the seller directly for warranty information for this product. You may also find warranty information on the manufacturer’s website.”
- There is no manufacturer’s website.
- So if I want to contact the seller, I better get my stamp book out for a letter to Guangdong!
- They have four other products: two drawing boards and similar inflatable mats. The babies are all precisely the same, in the same pose, and are photoshopped onto the mat. Even the Christmas outfit was photoshopped on the baby. Who does that? See the actual AMAZON pictures HERE.
This last one made me laugh out loud. Is the disproportionate baby size photoshopped, or is the dad looking from a different perspective? Nothing about this picture makes sense.
Final Take on the Infinno Inflatable Tummy Time
It is shocking how many of these are being sold on Amazon. This is only one of the dozens of similar products originating from China. Even if manufactured in the USA, it’s toxic, unnecessary for any development, and honestly seems like a choking/suffocation hazard. I have written several articles on Avoiding Plastics for our little ones. To view the article click HERE. I recommend never using this toy and avoiding China manufacturing, especially when it’s a random Chinese company with no real US presence!
Many sustainable companies utilize their manufacturing plants in China, overseeing every process. This is acceptable with 100% transparency and oversight over the manufacturing process. However, notable companies like Maple Landmark and PlanToys do not use China manufacturing. They are featured in my Top Sustainable Toy Companies. We can always strive to make better parenting decisions as we all have room for improvement. But this decision to say NO to an inflatable “Made in China” tummy mat is a no-brainer! Stick to companies that have outstanding reputations and strive to have sustainable toys.
Product #2: “Babies Teethers Toys, 8pcs Babies Grabs Teethers Toys Educational Toys Gifts Sets for 3, 6, 9, 12 Month Newborns Infants”

Amazon Description:
“Babies teethers:The first sense babies toys with 8pcs different style hand grasping teethers, most of infants toys make fun sounds when the babies shakes the toys, and muticolors can attract infants’ attention. Infants toys: From 3-12 months when they are just beginning to grasping things, on to teething skills. The newborn toys made of ABS plastic material.
Easy to grasping:All these newborn toys are suitable size for their hand, the teether toys are easy for babies to grabing, the container is convenient for you to keep all the toys, that can be played in anywhere. Entertain toys:The colors are bright, more healthy and safer to touch.Non-toxic and odorless material.
Best gift for little kids:These are awesome babies toys,a great Christmas Gift Idea as Holidays, Birthday, Halloween, Thanksgiving, New Year for newborns.”
- Estimated Products Sold each month 6395 and revenue of $166,000. (Based on Helium 10 data.)
- #10 ranked in “Baby Rattles and Plush Rings”
- Amazon Price $21.98
- 4.7 out of 5 with 10,263 global ratings
Christina’s thoughts:
Let’s look at the description:
This description is poorly written and incoherent. “most of infants toys make fun sounds when the babies shakes the toys, and muticolors can attract infants’ attention.” I am not sure if they are explaining the products or baby development…
“The first sense babies toys with 8pcs different style hand grasping teethers.” No idea what that says or means…
“Entertain toys: The colors are bright, more healthy, and safer to touch. Non-toxic and odorless material.” I am glad they are healthier and safe to touch, and I guess we take their word on this.
I have no idea how over 6000 are sold each month, and customers aren’t reading the description.
Let’s look at the product itself:
This nearly identical set is sold on Amazon by many different sellers. The pieces are identical. No information is listed about the product, how it’s made, nor the manufacturing process or materials on Amazon.
Sold on for $3.7 – $4.20 apiece (Link Here). You can find the same product sold by 100s of manufacturers.
When you look at the description on Alibaba, it says NOTHING about the product, how it’s made, or the manufacturing process or materials. There are ZERO certifications.
Many reviews state how the product fell apart or broke, including one verified purchaser, “Very cheap looking, made of hard plastic that I would not feel good about letting my child chew on, painting on some of the pieces can crack off. Very poor quality items. I am returning this item for that reason. I liked the price for so many different toys but I would rather spend more money on a safer toy”
- Unfortunately, this parent made a poor decision to purchase this product. Looking at the images and the description says enough that the product is of poor quality.
- Every parent should make conscious choices of what their children play with—especially infants and babies toys and ESPECIALLY infant and baby toys that go into your mouth. I know I am preaching to the choir, but the fact that this toy is selling 6000 units a month is jaw-dropping.
Let’s look at the manufacturer:
LITTLESMET – Google search revealed products sold at Amazon, Walmart, and Sears. No manufacturing information. It appears to be a website with the same name selling backpacks in the UK. It’s very vague, possibly the same company but does not reveal any company information.
Amazon shows:
- Business Name:Jinjiangshihuachuangsuliaozhipinyouxiangongsi
- Business Address: Jinjiang Yonghe Town, Shangzhai Development Zone, Quanzhou, Fujian 362000, CN
- Not even a warranty link on Amazon.
- They do sell other toys, including a Plush stuffed animal.
- Google reveals nothing about the long business name. I am unsure how or why Amazon allows a company with ZERO transparency of identification to do business on Amazon and sell children’s products?!?!
Final Take on the LITTLESMET Baby Teethers:
- These types of cheap baby products are riddled all over Amazon. As I said earlier, this is only one of the dozens of similar products originating from China. I recommend avoiding as many plastic toys as possible, especially ones your little one might want to gnaw on. I have written several articles on Avoiding Plastics for our little ones. To view the article click HERE. Sticking with top-notch companies like Maple Landmark and PlanToys will make a difference for you and your little one. My Top Sustainable Toy Companies feature many beautiful companies to consider when purchasing baby products. Love your children and love your toys! This “Made in China” toy is not safe.
Product#3: “Soft Stacking Blocks for Baby Montessori Sensory Infant Bath Toys for Toddlee Toddlers Babies 6 9 Month 1 2 Year Old”

Amazon Description:
“Montessori toys for babies,12 PCS,include animal, shape, fruit or numbers sides,tactility and visually explore.” Soft Blocks,soft and durable, easy to squeeze, making a squeak sound,infant bath toys,teether
Safe Material,soft and food grade silicone, BPA Free, Non-toxic. Early Learning toys:balance,counting math and also a matching game.”
- Estimated Products Sold each month 4700 and revenue of $108,000
- #9 ranked in “Sorting & Stacking Toys”
- “#616 in Toys & Games”
- Amazon Price $22.99
- 4.7 out of 5 with 2980 global ratings
Christina’s thoughts:
Let’s look at the description:
They immediately use the word “Montessori.” A Montessori toy stimulates learning by encouraging kids to experiment. It should be a toy that they can hold and touch, as learning to manipulate objects is key in helping children develop their fine motor skills. … As an example, a box of Legos could be considered a Montessori toy. Maybe it loosely fits the definition.
There are multiple incorrect spellings in the title and description. Amazing that people read the poorly worded description and still purchase. It has a blanket description with every “Keyword” needed to be searched. This has taken precedence over offering a readable description of any value. Words from sensory to bath and squeaky sounds. And worse, “teether”
Made of food-grade silicone, BPA Free, Non-toxic. Why should we trust a company that cannot even take the time to write an accurate description?
- Silicone doesn’t consist of BPA and has been approved by the FDA for food grade. The idea behind silicone being eco-friendly is that you can reuse it … however, silicone will not biodegrade so while better than plastic from a chemical perspective, environmentally, there are better options.
- Some less expensive silicone products can contain fillers. Pay attention to the grade- the purest is medical grade, followed by platinum grade and then food grade, and finally, no grade at all. If choosing platinum or food-grade. It doesn’t mention the grade and has no certification other than “it’s non-toxic silicone.”
- One review stated, “I was so disappointed when I got these. They give off a chemical smell. Real food-grade silicone does not give off any smells! Therefore, I am returning them.”
Another review stated, “DO NOT BUY THESE BLOCKS! They were not made in the US, and I’m 100% sure they are toxic. I chewed on them, and it made my mouth numb. Ick! Most toys made in China do not have the same safety regulations as those in Europe or the US. Don’t buy these! Superbad for your kiddo. I trashed them.”
If this will go in a baby’s mouth, I want to take the utmost caution on my purchase and better be 100% certain it is a safe product.
Let’s look at the product itself:
Visually, it looks not as “cheap” as the other products. I like the concept and versatility of the blocks, but the range in age and combined concepts is too much. It’s too gimmicky as a catch-all toy. Nothing is more classic than your basic wooden block set, which this is not. I love block sets, and review some of my favorites HERE. There are five other similar listings on Amazon with the same product.
One review stated, “The blocks are cute colors, and my son does like to chew on them, but the shapes don’t fit together well, so you’re very limited to how you can stack these blocks. You can only stack on the sides that don’t have shapes, so it really limits what you can do with the blocks.” Babies should be able to enjoy stacking the blocks without limitations.
Two minutes on showed several of these same products. (Link). 216 – 431 Pieces for $3.28. Same photos as used on the listing. Sells for $2.50 with over 864 pieces purchased.
- There is a general certificate listed with the product on It has pages 1,2, and 11 out of 12. This is entirely useless. There are 9 missing pages. There is no product number on the listing. The pictures below do not show anything close to the block set. They list some middle eastern countries. Several other certificates are listed at the bottom of the page, but they are illegible with a microscope. The below certificate has some blanket approval until 2025…
Let’s look at the manufacturer:
- Seller name is Moretry direct
- No results from Google search on Moretry direct.
- Clicking on Seller information resulted in the below business:
- Business Name: LIU ZHENGJIE
- Business Address: 36F,Building NEO,6011 Rd.shennan,futian district, shenzhen, Guangdong 518048 CN
- Google of LIU ZHENGJIE resulted in a popular name in China nothing specific to this product or company.
- Result: We know absolutely nothing about this toy manufacturer.
Final Take on the Soft Stacking Blocks for Baby Montessori Sensory Infant
What looked like a promising baby toy was revealed to be another cheap Chinese-made toy with no fundamental standards or certificates to validate its description. Again, many types of this same product are all over Amazon. Alibaba showed dozens of exact and similar products from various manufacturers in China. I recommend avoiding as many plastic and silicone toys as possible, especially ones your little one might want to nibble on. Sticking with sustainable companies like Maple Landmark and PlanToys will make a difference for you and your little one. My Top Sustainable Toy Companies feature many beautiful companies to consider when purchasing baby products. This “Made in China” toy is not safe.
4) What are my Top Sustainable Toy Companies, and Why?
PlanToys – See our Collection
- At PlanToys, child safety is a top priority. They adhere to stringent safety standards and ensure all their materials are non-toxic and environmentally friendly, allowing parents peace of mind while their children play.
- They are dedicated to children’s development and believe in the power of creative and educational play. Their toys are designed to promote learning and growth in various aspects of a child’s development.
- PlanToys also demonstrates a commitment to the environment. They use water-based colors, chemical-free E-Zero glue, and maximize resource utilization by repurposing sawdust into a sustainable material called PlanWood™. They prioritize creating a quality environment that fosters the development of quality individuals.
- “Since 1981, our mission has been to create a more sustainable world. At PlanToys, we are determined to do this by carefully considering the environment and society regarding our business practices while focusing on safety standards and child development in production. By applying innovative eco-friendly manufacturing methods and using green materials, we help pave a sustainable path for our children while also doing our part to protect the beautiful ecosystems and environments that inhabit our planet.”
- To learn about PlanToys, check out our “Brand Spotlight on PlanToys.”
Maple Landmark – See our Collection
- Maple Landmark Sustainable Mission: “A world of American-made wood products” “At Maple Landmark, we have been making eco-friendly, educational wooden toys, games, and gifts since 1979 at our shop here in Middlebury, Vermont. We pride ourselves on being a local company that supports other local companies that operate responsibly and sustainably. We employ about 40 local folks year around. As a result of these practices, we produce products that have always been safe and of superior quality.”
- Maple Landmark is one of my favorite toy companies and is near the top of my sustainable toy companies. Their quality is heirloom and one of the best. Their product photos do not do the product justice. Once you see and hold one of their toys in your hand, you will notice the level of quality and craftsmanship. They have so many options for toys for all ages. Their infant teethers to baby toys are heirloom quality and made from the most beautiful unfinished hardwoods. Older kids will love their solid wood classic games such as checkers, chess, and Chinese checkers games. Unique to Maple Landmark is their new line of historic bridges worldwide to add to their train sets. Maple Landmarks’ train tracks are of the highest quality on the market.
- To learn about Maple Landmark, check out our “Brand Spotlight on Maple Landmark.”
Haba USA – See our Collection
- “We assume responsibility for our environment’ – that is one of the principles of our corporate philosophy. For us, that means minimizing the environmental impact within the bounds of the financially defensible. HABA takes environmental protection very seriously in all aspects of its business. Therefore, we are constantly upgrading our production processes and ascertaining, evaluating, and minimizing the use of raw materials, emissions, and waste volumes continuously.
- Conserving natural resources and minimizing our environmental impact is paramount when selecting materials and determining the proper production methods. The PEFC label, for example, which all our wooden toys have carried since 2010, is a testament to this commitment. All beech and birch wood used in our production comes from sustainable forestry. By only utilizing wood from sustainable forestry, we help preserve the ecological balance of our planet’s forests and do our part in improving sustainable forestry practices. HABA produces most of our wooden toys at its Bad Rodach, Franconia site. We use woods from sustainable forestry.”
HABA is at the top of my top sustainable toy companies list because it created the “creative play system” in which block/ball run/marble run sets can all be added upon from baby through age 12 and be used together.
- HABA is an example of successful dual manufacturing with items manufactured in Germany and China. Regarding sustainability, HABA has created a system that is top because of the lifespan of its toy system. HABA also is great at making simple, German-engineered styled toys that are solid in form and function. HABA’s block sets are amongst my favorite for their playability, sustainability, and longevity. When you hold a HABA wooden toy in your hand, it is substantial and impressive.
- Check out our “Brand Spotlight on HABA USA.”
4) What are my Top Sustainable Swaps and Why?
Swap#1: PlanToys – 5270 Play Gym – Orchard

Give your baby a workout with this activity gym that includes 2 suspended toys that help stimulate your child’s curiosity. Items can be detached for later stages of development. The structure is designed with four legs to prevent rocking and to optimize child safety.
- Designed with four legs to prevent rocking and optimize child safety
- Comes with a rocket and planet toy that is detachable from the top support
- Stimulates a child’s curiosity and encourages movement in their limbs as they reach for the hanging toys
- Sustainably made in Thailand using chemical-free rubberwood, formaldehyde-free glue, organic pigments, and water-based dyes.
- To learn more about PlanToys and their sustainable mission, see our Brand Spotlight HERE.
- Included in my top Sustainable Toy Companies.
- Child Development Focus: Visual, Gross Motor, Fine Motor, Emotion, Auditory, Coordination, Tactile
- View our Child Development Toy Guide to learn more.
Swap#2: Spinning Beads Cherrywood Rattle | Natural | Made in the USA

The Spinning Beads Cherrywood Rattle is the perfect baby toy with cherry hardwood construction, easy-to-grip handles, and a four-bead spinner. Crafted without any chemical coating, this rattle is part of the Schoolhouse Naturals Collection and is made in Vermont, USA.
- Crafted from cherry hardwood with no chemical coating
- Features a fun four-bead spinner and easy-to-grip handles
- It measures 5″ long, 3.25″ wide, and 1″ thick and weighs 0.13 lbs
- Part of the Schoolhouse Naturals Collection
- Made in Vermont, USA
- Ideal for babies aged three months and up
- Perfect for developing hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills
- Safe and non-toxic, making it a great teething toy
- A sustainable and eco-friendly addition to any toy collection
- Provides a sensory experience for babies with its spinning beads and natural wood construction.
- One month+
- Product Care Instructions: Wash by wiping with warm soapy water. Do NOT soak wood products in water or put them in the dishwasher as they may dry unevenly, causing the wood to be rough and even crack.
- To learn more about Maple Landmark, see my Brand Spotlight HERE.
- Included in my top Sustainable Toy Companies.
Swap #3: 50 Unit Wooden Blocks | PlanToys (5502)

A great way to stimulate children’s interest and desire to build things. Consists of 12 shapes.
- The PlanToys 50 Unit Blocks come with 50 pieces in 12 different shapes
- An excellent construction set for STEM play
- Manipulative play is not only fun for little ones but also comes with many brain benefits.
- Sustainably made in Thailand using chemical-free rubberwood, formaldehyde-free glue, organic pigments, and water-based dyes.
- To learn more about PlanToys and their sustainable mission, see our Brand Spotlight HERE.
- Included in my top Sustainable Toy Companies.
- Top Wooden Blocks on my List HERE.
- 27 Benefits of Wooden Blocks
- Child Development Focus (Click HERE to learn more): Creative, Mathematical, Fine Motor, Language and Communications
Swap #4: Nesting Puzzle – Unit Plus | Learning & Education

Using three types of geometric hollow blocks (cube, cylinder, and triangle), children are invited to explore spatial relation, early mathematic skills, and hand-eye coordination with the PlanToys Nesting Puzzle. Have fun matching, stacking, and nesting the various shapes, and stimulate your problem-solving skills by completing the puzzle successfully! Compatible with other block sets in the Unit Plus series.
- Children can sort the nesting puzzle pieces into colors, shapes, and heights while learning to distinguish the difference between each block.
- A fantastic earning tool to develop matching and sorting skills, hand-eye coordination, and motor skills, and improve visual perception through play
- This set is part of the Unit Plus series and can be used on its own or in combination with any other Unit Plus series set.
- It is sustainably made in Thailand with chemical-free rubberwood trees, formaldehyde-free glues, organic pigments, and water-based dyes.
- Ages 18m+
- To learn more about PlanToys and their sustainable mission, see our Brand Spotlight HERE.

Make learning and playing fun with the Letter Picture Natural Blocks!
This 28-piece set features one letter per block with upper case, lower case, cursive, and three related pictures. There are also two extra letters to help create even more words.
From USA-based Vermont, this lovely set will bring hours of entertainment for your little ones!
- Made in Vermont, USA.
- Ages: 12 to 24 Months
- Weight: 3.81 lbs. Dimensions: 12.3″ x 1.8″ x 7″
- To learn more about Maple Landmark, see my Brand Spotlight HERE.
- Included in my top Sustainable Toy Companies.
- Also offered with Tray for $89.95.
Swap #6: HABA Magica Wooden Baby Rattle, Clutching Toy & Teether (Made in Germany)

Handcrafted from sustainably sourced wood and finished with non-toxic, water-based lacquers, the Magica Clutching Toy is a colorful and safe option for babies aged 6 months and up. Perfect for teething and grasping, this toy is easy for young children to hold and explore.
- Hand-crafted and colorful clutching toy, perfect for babies aged 6 months and up
- Wooden shapes threaded on elastic make for easy grabbing and rattling
- Measures approximately 4″ x 3″
- Sustainably sourced wood from Germany is used in its creation
- Non-toxic, water-based, and solvent-free lacquers are applied in multiple layers to create an extremely durable surface, perfect for teething babies.
SWAP #7: Color Carousel Wooden Baby Rattle | Develop Fine Motor Skills – HABA

- Colorful wooden clutching toy
- Changes shape when manipulated
- Helps develop fine motor skills and first clutching of objects
- Made in Germany
- Recommended for Ages 6 – 12 months
- Brightly colored with non-toxic water-based stains
Material: sturdy beech wood
In conclusion, we covered a lot of ground. I discussed if “Made in China” Toys are Safe. We looked into the behavior of toy manufacturers. We dove into toy products, toy recalls, and working conditions. I explored many questions to see if we have progressed in toy manufacturing in the last twenty years. Chinese-made toys are flooding the market on Amazon and into the consumer’s hands, which is not good!
1) Why should you avoid Chinese-made toys?
I focused on four reasons why we should avoid them 1)Non-Transparent and Non-Sustainable Manufacturing, 2) Environmental Impact, 3) Effect on the Chinese communities and their factory workers, and 4) Toxic Chemicals. The reality is not pretty. The long-term effects on children, communities, and the environment are immeasurable. Chinese-made products will continue to flood the market until we, as consumers, change our behavior when buying toys.
2) What is Alibaba’s and Amazon’s role in Chinese-made toys?
We discussed Alibaba and Aliexpress and their impact on Amazon. I showed you how so many Chinese-made toys get to Amazon. I detailed the process of acquiring a product and walked you step by step through how the product can be listed on Amazon. Then, I also discussed how to better recognize Chinese-made toys on Amazon.
3) What did I find when reviewing three Amazon best-selling Chinese-made toys?
I looked at each product’s product descriptions, images, reviews, and data. I looked into the manufacturer on Alibaba to see if there was any additional information and to demonstrate how many of the same products are being sold in mass quantities on Amazon and Alibaba. The findings were not promising. The descriptions did not make sense, many images were photoshopped, and there is little information on the manufacturers or origin of the product. Unfortunately, all of these products are top sellers on Amazon, one of which Amazon’s algorithm recommends. These “Made in China” toys are not safe.
4) What sustainable toy companies and swaps should you consider?
I wanted to highlight some great companies making toys. These companies go above and beyond the minimum requirements or standards set by the toy industry. They take personal responsibility for every part of the manufacturing process. If their missions don’t motivate you to consider their products, then their heirloom quality toys will certainly. I included a few of my favorite toys!
5) What are my recommendations?
- Educate and advocate! We cannot change consumer behavior if we do not advocate.
- Not only do we need to make conscious choices as parents, but we also need to advocate for these choices to family and friends. The more knowledge we have, the easier it is to advocate for sustainable toys.
- Stick to reputable brands and manufacturers.
- Less is more—quality over quantity. I would rather have a few heirloom-quality toys for my grandchildren.
- Buy sustainable toys for friends and families!
- I purchased the Maple Landmark Basic Wooden Checkers Set board and sent it to many family members. Every single one of them LOVED it. They appreciated the fact that it would be in their family for generations. I loved that it is Made in Vermont, USA. It’s crafted from pine and baltic birch plywood, and the Checkers are finished with a non-toxic color dye stain and urethane sealant. The board is printed with non-toxic inks and a durable clear lacquer finish. Perfect!
- Better transparency on manufacturers.
- Develop higher standards for merchant accounts.
- Stop and/or prevent false reviews.
- Implement specific standards for certain toys.
- Test random toys sold in their marketplace for toxicity. Amazon has some responsibility here for being the largest distributor of toys in the world.
- Allow sorting by Country of Origin – Imagine if you could exclude China manufacturers with a button. Why can’t I look for toys only manufactured in the USA, Thailand, or Europe?
The Toy Manufacturers, Toy Corporations, and the Toy Industry:
- Set higher standards for yourself and your toy products. Make “Made in China” toys safe. Go above the minimum requirements set by the toy industry!
- Better oversight on manufacturing. Take responsibility for factory conditions, the community’s well-being, and the environment!
- Don’t utilize random 3rd party Chinese manufacturers to fulfill production.
- Own your manufacturing process and be 100% transparent about the process.
- Have a sustainable message and mission.
- Design and make toys not destined for a landfill after a week.
6) Final Thoughts
I started The Baby Penguin to highlight the fantastic sustainable toys and companies that chose to put our children, the environment, and our communities ahead of the bottom line. I usually focus on the positives of sustainable toys in my articles, but I wanted to share my research on the unsustainable ones here. Are “Made in China” toys safe? The research suggests most are not, and it is a necessary risk for your child when there are plenty of alternatives. It is eye-opening.
What are your thoughts on Chinese-made toys? I would love to hear from you! There are so many incredible benefits to sustainable toys. I created a Sustainable Toy Handbook to help be your guide to understanding why sustainable toy choices as a parent are essential in an unsustainable world. We can all change the world…one toy at a time!
7) First, Why Shop at The Baby Penguin?
At my toy store, we have curated a collection of the best eco-friendly toys & brands available, including Haba, Wishbone, PlanToys, Kapla, Maple Landmark, and many more. We have done the research and hard work for you, ensuring that all our products are made from sustainable materials and safe for children of all ages. We aim to provide a one-stop shop for all your eco-friendly toy needs while promoting a green and sustainable lifestyle. Heirloom quality toys are with your family forever.
In addition to offering a wide range of eco-friendly toy options, we also have a vision for the future of our store. We hope to gain enough customers and fans to create our Made in the USA products that align with our sustainability, safety, and education values. We believe that promoting eco toys can help support healthy child development while reducing our environmental impact.

100% Happiness Guaranteed!
At our store, we take pride in offering a unique shopping experience that is both convenient and environmentally conscious. We understand that today’s consumers are increasingly concerned about the impact of their purchases on the planet, so we strive to make it easy for you to shop responsibly without sacrificing quality or variety. With our commitment to sustainability and customer satisfaction, we hope to become your go-to destination for all your eco-friendly toy needs.
My website educates, advocates, and empowers parents to make thoughtful and sustainable choices for their children. I started The Baby Penguin to highlight the fantastic sustainable toys and companies that chose to put our children, the environment, and our communities ahead of the bottom line. There are so many incredible benefits to sustainable toys. Sustainable toys promote learning, development, and happiness. We chose the most sustainable toys on the planet to be in our shop. The toys we sell are designed to last for generations, keeping trash out of landfills, and are made from sustainably sourced wood. And we know that communities are among our most significant resources. We can all change the world…one toy at a time!
3 Reasons to Subscribe to The Baby Penguin
- Discover new eco friendly toys: By subscribing to The Baby Penguin, you can stay up-to-date on the latest eco-friendly toys and products that are good for your child and the planet. You’ll be introduced to new brands and products you may not have known otherwise.
- Learn about sustainable practices: Our store and blog will also provide valuable information on making more environmentally conscious choices when purchasing toys for your child. You can learn about sustainable manufacturing practices, materials, packaging, and tips for reducing waste in your home.
- Support a mission-driven business: Subscribing to our sustainable toy store and blog means supporting a company committed to positively impacting the environment and society. By choosing to shop from an eco friendly toys, you’re helping to promote sustainability in the toy industry and beyond.
I express my gratitude in advance for subscribing! Your presence here is greatly appreciated, and I am thankful for it.